
Doug Cohen


Hometown: Holbrook, NY
Alma Mater: Towson University (’95), Suffolk Community College (’92), Sachem High School (’90)
Degree: Bachelor’s, Business Administration
Years with Ducks: 2000-04, 2006-Present
Favorite Ducks Moment: Eddie Money singing “Two Tickets to Paradise” on the third base dugout during a karaoke promotion
Previous Experience: Pergament, Towson University RA, Frito-Lay, Somerset Patriots, New York Islanders
Favorite Sports Teams: New York Yankees, New York Giants and New York Islanders
Favorite Athletes: George Brett, Greg Maddux, Mark Bavaro (from my younger days)
Favorite Food: Seafood and free food
Favorite Movies: Old School, Dodgeball, Return of the Jedi
Hobbies: Daydreaming about retirement so I can take on some hobbies